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Oral History Projects

Read through the various projects, all based on oral history storytelling. Some of these projects are traditional text-based oral histories, while some are imagined as poems, videos, illustration, and more. 

All of these student projects are shared with the narrator's (interviewee's) permission and are just a small sampling of what educators' classes did. 

Oral histories were completed in various classes (e.g. Journalism, English, Theater) in middle school, high school, and college classrooms during the 2019-2020 and 2020-2021 school years. 

We hope you enjoy learning from these narrators' stories. 


Look through the gallery to read IE residents' stories.

All oral histories have been edited for length and clarity and to protect the narrator's privacy. All narrators (interviewees) have given their permission to share their stories.

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Website created for Oral Histories of the Inland Empire (2018).

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